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First Week In Guatemala

            So far, our team’s stay in Guatemala has been a series of blessings, one after another. The beginning of our travels were hindered by several delays, but I believe that it’s in those times that we can see God’s mercy even more in our lives. Our plane had customs delays and a malfunctioning part on its engine, our Project Leader, Carly, lost her bag due to the airline, our Adventure Camp Leader, Kaleigh, left her eBook reader on the plane, and we had a lot of trouble renting our van. But God answered every problem we faced with another blessing. The plane was fixed without having to change flights, the bag was returned, the Kindle was found, and we got our van. It’s amazing how those things we think are going to be big to us are trivial to our God.
            We’re staying just outside of a small Mayan town called Xenacoj (Chen-ah-co) at Hope Haven International Ministry’s compound. As we drove up to it, we entered on to what had to have been the bumpiest dirt road I have ever been on in my entire life. It made the drive rather comical. As we approached the compound, the outside of the building is lined with a twelve-foot tall concrete wall with razor wire on top. As the van made it’s way to the door, we heard a tremendous barking noise. We opened the gate, and were greeted by two tremendous dogs who we now have grown to love. We later found their names were Tank and Dozer (rather suiting names). Inside of the compound, it was a beautiful home. Both Chris (our Head Coach) and I have our own room to share separate from the students, as do Carly and Kaleigh.We really were blessed here.


            Our ministry contact, Dave, lives with his family of thirteen in Xenacoj, and has for several years. They have been an absolute blessing to the local community. Our first meeting with him really set the pace for how we would get to know this man’s personality: driven. He was so passionate about getting things done in the community. The planning process previous to the arrival of our teen groups had already begun. It was yet another blessing.
            Our stay in Xenacoj so far is only the beginning of our summer, and already it is shaping up to be incredible. And we have our incredible God to thank for this. I can’t wait to see what He has in store for our team and for the groups coming in as we continue our ministry here.

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